Saturday, 24 November 2012

It's Saturday!

Well I don't know about you, but where the hell has this week (and this year) gone???

I'm beginning to think that I've bitten off more than I can chew, but in reality it's because I've not organised myself properly this week (and because I keep getting pestered by my 2 year old due to the fact that Mark is feeling unwell at the moment). Seriously considering paying for a nursery place. Once again I have put more hours into my business than I should have, so I'm revisiting my outlook calendar & my diary to book in my business time and my study time - no checking of emails unless it's booked in.

My daughter went to a birthday party today which doesn't happen very often due to the fact that she doesn't build or retain friendships very easily. That's another thing that Mark was meant to be controlling, but I ended up being the taxi so cue a wasted 2 hours of study time.

Anyway, enough of my jabbering, I need to work on my assignment for a couple of hours so that I can watch Rylan Clark's entertainment tonight, I'll sky+ it so that I can fast forward through the other (boring) acts.


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

I'm still here.

Well, that's sure to piss some people off, I live to see another day!

Quite a lot has changed since my last post. Hubby and I have separated, which happened only a few days after my last post actually. Made me feel really ill at first, but I'm over it now. We're getting on well at the moment, so we'll see if we can make it work or not, but for the time being I'm enjoying being able to do my own thing, and watch what I want to watch without someone throwing their toys out of the pram.

Talking about watching TV...I am LOVING Rylan Clark on The X Factor. No more boring warblings from people, I can now have proper entertainment on a Saturday night. And the fact that he can actually sing OK when standing still, means that he'll be fine to record in a studio without needing loads of correction.

Trying to get the statement for my daughter (who is 7 tomorrow) is proving difficult, like everything else. I requested an assessment for a statement, and had that refused so far. When will someone help my child??? All is not lost though, she is seen by an Educational Psychologist (who is going to refer her to the neurodevelopmental team - a 12-18 month wait), and we see the Interaction & Communication team (County Autism Team) at the regular TAC (Team Around Child) meetings, so at least that's something.

On other notes...It's the 8th anniversary of Lily's death on Monday (it was her 15th birthday on rememberance Sunday), obviously it isn't as raw as it used to be, but she has left a space that can never be filled...My son has his surgery booked in for next Thursday, so I have that to contend with aswell...:-s.

So there's the gist of my life 'as it happens'. I will endeavour to update this more regularly but I'm a busy bee.


Sunday, 27 May 2012

So much for 'my life, as it happens'. More like 'my life, then blog about it after 6 months or so'.

I haven't even read it to refresh my memory yet, so I'm writing 'blind' so to speak.

Well, I'm currently studying 90 credits worth this year (equivalent to 3/4 full-time study, and totals around 35 hours a week). I must be off my trolley! To add to that, The OU have moved their maths modules to all start in October, instead of having a mix of Oct and Feb starts, so I have to kiss goodbye to my 3-month break this year and continue right through from this Feb to next June. Aarrgghh!

I'm also busy with trying to get a 'statement' for my daughter's needs at school.

And on top of that, my hubby's work have taken action (suspended him) and asked for a medical report to make sure he's fit to work with them. This all stems from false allegations from 2 members of staff (which have both told my hubby that they have their own mental illnesses - 1 has anxiety, the other has depression), but I don't think that the company know they have these illnesses, whereas my hubby has always been honest about his. So, have the company looked into to truth? NOOOOO. They have taken the allegations as truth (as made obvious by one of their questions to the therapist in their request for a report) and acted accordingly. If they had actually done some investigating, and asked me (as I'm the only person who knows the details of hubby's illness, along with his therapist) about the truth, they would have easily seen that the girls have fabricated it, as I can disprove the bits I've seen said so far (he should've been given copies of the full discussion forms from both, but he hasn't).

So, get ready for the letter from our solicitor. And any more crap will result in a discrimination claim.

Oh I feel much better for that little rant.

Onwards and upwards.

I have an exam in less than 3 weeks, an assignment due a couple of days before it, and another assignment due the week after it.

All study & no play makes SJB a geek.