Tuesday, 13 August 2013

When do the kids go back to school? I'm trying my best to keep them entertained, I really am, but they seem attracted to my office. My neighbours must be sick of me shouting "get out of my office now" when I can hear them bumbling about in there. I've tried to keep out of there myself to spend time with them, oh well.

Will be popping off to Killerton House later. Because trying to keep them under control in a wide open public space is far more fun than trying to keep them in control at home.

On a separate topic, I forgot to mention that my daughter *finally* received her Statement of Educational Needs just before the school closed for the summer, so that's all set for the new school year in September.

Not long until our Disney World trip. YAY!!! (I think I'm marginally more excited than my kids)